Friday 28 May 2010

Its showtime

Quick plug here for the blog of out end of year show entitled: thirteen degrees, enjoy.

Friday 21 May 2010

Moosic to my ears

Yesterday I took delivery of my Moo Cards, anyone who hasn't heard of these they're like business cards only far more arty. I'm really chuffed with how they look. I could show you what they looked like, but where's the fun in that!? So get along to my end of year show for your own moocard.

Monday 17 May 2010

Busy busy busy.......

This week has taken on an even more hectic feel than I was expecting, along with starting a new dayjob today, our Collaborative project hand in is on Wednesday and now I'm moving house in the near future. It really is going to be a mad end to May! On the plus side, I did have a rather good sausage casserole for dinner tonight, sorry no photo food fans.